the G20 in London, the American ruling-class may
be attempting a coup.

April 26 Louisiana Sovereignty Resolution | US Northern Command Activates Civil Unrest Readiness | Possible Right Wing Threat 2mb/pdf | The Patriotic Resistance | Obama-Mexico-Flu Who knew what when?! | Dec '08 Washington Post Domestic Troop Deployment. |
Some of the anti-Obama groups say they will actively engage troops, when these "rights" are violated.

The opposition to President Barack Hussein Obama is at full tilt and the pressure-push by the Republican Party & its Conservative alliances is at FULL COURT-PRESS.
Judd Gregg in his domain -John Boehner in his. The U. S. House Minority Leader was in Baton Rouge with U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy.
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), who was Obama's second pick for the commerce job and dropped out days later, delivered the GOP's response address today, saying that Obama's budget proposal "spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much."
Gregg, a deficit hawk who is the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, said Obama's budget would triple the national debt over the next 10 years.
The address was remarkable in that it came from a man who, just seven weeks ago, stood at Obama's side and accepted a Cabinet post in the new Democratic administration. Gregg was closely observed with the smirkish look given as he stepped away from his cabinet post acceptance.

In the meanwhile Louisiana Democratic leader Chris Whittington was under-attack in a state democratic party resolutions meeting, in which New Orleans Rep. Karen Carter Petterson pushed the issue.
Leadership is alledged to have possibly given over the state to the Republicans, evidenced by the lack of a viable democratic opponent in place, against Senator David Vitter.
Alexia Thompson of Lafayette said the state party's poor showing in the 2008 elections was not one person's fault.
"We played recess," she said. "We have allowed the Republicans to come into the state and take over. We shouldn't be talking about who we should run (in 2010 against U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La.); we should already have a candidate."
Boehner visits BR, pitches GOP budget By SONIA SMITHGOP-Road to Recovery? Yeah! We all know about recovery in Louisiana! ICF-LRA. Road home. Are we there yet!
Advocate staff writer
Published: Mar 29, 2009
U.S. House Minority Leader John Boehner met with Baton Rouge business leaders Saturday to hear their concerns about the economy, three days after he outlined his party’s alternative plan for economic recovery.
Boehner, R-Ohio, railed against President Barack Obama’s $3.6 trillion budget at a news conference at the office of U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge, Saturday afternoon, saying it would “hurt jobs and hurt our economy.”
“It spends too much, it raises too much in the way of taxes and borrows too much from our kids and grandkids,” Boehner said of the Democrats’ budget.
Boehner unveiled an 18-page pamphlet titled “Republican Road to Recovery” at a news conference in Washington on Thursday.
Many in the Obama administration, including Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and White House Budget Director Peter Orszag have scoffed at the pamphlet for its lack of numbers and details.
“It’s interesting to have a budget that doesn’t contain any numbers,” Gibbs said at the White House news briefing on Thursday.
Boehner said Saturday that next week, Republicans would be laying out the details of their budget, which focuses on cutting government spending, lowering taxes and halting bailouts of financial companies.
“It clearly will let families and small businesses keep more of what they earn,” he said. “We’ll make sure the federal budget isn’t growing faster than the family budget.”
The plan’s focus on energy from a number of sources — green, oil and gas and nuclear — would help create jobs in Louisiana, he said.
Boehner admitted that, given the Democratic majority in both houses of Congress, the Republicans’ proposal has little chance of success.
“I’ll never give up,” he said. “We don’t have near enough votes, but our job is to communicate with the American people about (the Democrats’) proposal and to communicate our better solution.”
Boehner would not go into detail on what he discussed in the meeting with Cassidy, Louisiana Economic Development Secretary Stephen Moret, James Riley of NAI/Latter & Blum and Lester McLin, owner of the Livingston based engineering and surveying company, McLin & Associates.
“People are mostly concerned that the spending spree that Washington is on is not sustainable,” Boehner said. “This giant debt is going to cause our economy to grow more slowly.”
McLin said he asked Boehner to do everything in his power to keep taxes down.
“He’s got a tough battle up there,” he said.
Boehner, who traveled to Lafayette following the meeting in Cassidy’s office, said he was in New Orleans on Friday night.
The Associated Press reported that Boehner also was attending a fundraiser for Cassidy.
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