Friday, September 13, 2024

The Everything going against the 'health-poor' in La. governance

Louisiana Department of Health cuts to hit disabled children and disabled seniors hard

The Louisiana Governor, the Legislature's so-called 'super-majority' and the bureaucracy under their directives, "going against everything" involving the poor, the indigent & the chronically ill to manage an expected budget shortfall. 

The budget shortfall, is currently being handled with securing cuts to LDH's care to the infirm, young and old at this present moment. In fact, families and patients in nursing homes are being assessed, distressingly; for possible return to the community. In fact, an individual has been pushed out of a rehab-facility in one east-central Louisiana parish incapacitated and unable to walk after stroke.

It is called 'dumping'. 
However, funding for issues legislators and the governor consider necessary are funded, such as National Guard troops at Texas-Mexico border.  Tuition with public money for private schools. 

Louisiana citizens of every status, the young and the old, babies, children, senior rehabilitation patients receiving services from LDH

Services for people with disabilities could be eliminated under Landry budget plan

Projected state deficit makes health care programs for seniors, children vulnerable

"Louisiana Health Secretary Michael Harrington laid out services he might be forced to cut if the governor and lawmakers reduce the state health care budget by $105.1 million to deal with a financial gap in the next fiscal year. He’s been told to expect a large cut as the state tries to figure out how it will cope with automatic tax reductions scheduled for mid-2025. 

Harrington said that $105.1 million cut to state health care services would balloon to an overall loss of $332.4 million with resulting federal funding reductions. The state would no longer be able to put up the money needed to draw down more dollars from the federal government for health care services." (Louisiana Illuminator)

"In a recent conversation, with a nursing home facilitated Louisiana Department of Health 'so-called' re-assessment from a health professional with LDH ; both resident and family-member were flaberghasted, shocked and taken-aback," by the rude awakening to circumstances.

The governance of Louisiana's citizens who suffer the most are in dire circumstances. Under the guise of law and order in one instance, self-sufficiency in another and voter protection in other stances, the people of Louisiana are misrepresented. 
If someone doesn't speak up succinctly now the whole of our 'creole-infused' culture will suffer soon, as well as later. The realization of the new times we're living in, so evident in our young school age children, growing up together as one people and not the divisive ways currently moving through the society in the United States.

There is a way, that seems right to man. You cannot think for a moment, just because from the third in line to the presidency, the U. S. House majority leader, the governor's mansion, the state senate and house leader, A.G., La. Sec of State and so forth; you can lead and be led to believe misuse of holy writ will not be requited, by whom it emanates. 

ps(The far-right take on critical race theory, as Landry writes in his executive order, is to “instruct students to view the world through the lens of race and presume some students are consciously or unconsciously racist, sexist, or oppressive and that some students are victims.”)