Friday, September 13, 2024

The Everything going against the 'health-poor' in La. governance

Louisiana Department of Health cuts to hit disabled children and disabled seniors hard

The Louisiana Governor, the Legislature's so-called 'super-majority' and the bureaucracy under their directives, "going against everything" involving the poor, the indigent & the chronically ill to manage an expected budget shortfall. 

The budget shortfall, is currently being handled with securing cuts to LDH's care to the infirm, young and old at this present moment. In fact, families and patients in nursing homes are being assessed, distressingly; for possible return to the community. In fact, an individual has been pushed out of a rehab-facility in one east-central Louisiana parish incapacitated and unable to walk after stroke.

It is called 'dumping'. 
However, funding for issues legislators and the governor consider necessary are funded, such as National Guard troops at Texas-Mexico border.  Tuition with public money for private schools. 

Louisiana citizens of every status, the young and the old, babies, children, senior rehabilitation patients receiving services from LDH

Services for people with disabilities could be eliminated under Landry budget plan

Projected state deficit makes health care programs for seniors, children vulnerable

"Louisiana Health Secretary Michael Harrington laid out services he might be forced to cut if the governor and lawmakers reduce the state health care budget by $105.1 million to deal with a financial gap in the next fiscal year. He’s been told to expect a large cut as the state tries to figure out how it will cope with automatic tax reductions scheduled for mid-2025. 

Harrington said that $105.1 million cut to state health care services would balloon to an overall loss of $332.4 million with resulting federal funding reductions. The state would no longer be able to put up the money needed to draw down more dollars from the federal government for health care services." (Louisiana Illuminator)

"In a recent conversation, with a nursing home facilitated Louisiana Department of Health 'so-called' re-assessment from a health professional with LDH ; both resident and family-member were flaberghasted, shocked and taken-aback," by the rude awakening to circumstances.

The governance of Louisiana's citizens who suffer the most are in dire circumstances. Under the guise of law and order in one instance, self-sufficiency in another and voter protection in other stances, the people of Louisiana are misrepresented. 
If someone doesn't speak up succinctly now the whole of our 'creole-infused' culture will suffer soon, as well as later. The realization of the new times we're living in, so evident in our young school age children, growing up together as one people and not the divisive ways currently moving through the society in the United States.

There is a way, that seems right to man. You cannot think for a moment, just because from the third in line to the presidency, the U. S. House majority leader, the governor's mansion, the state senate and house leader, A.G., La. Sec of State and so forth; you can lead and be led to believe misuse of holy writ will not be requited, by whom it emanates. 

ps(The far-right take on critical race theory, as Landry writes in his executive order, is to “instruct students to view the world through the lens of race and presume some students are consciously or unconsciously racist, sexist, or oppressive and that some students are victims.”) 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

(3) Three Years ON: STILL Louisiana Style injustice's fulfillment

The public betrayal in govermental slaughter

The Why We Can't WaitLa govermental super majority ramrods 

 Currently, the Louisiana Legislature is in Regular Session until June 3, 2024. As part of the current governor's agenda and legislative bills filed, a Constitutional Convention (Bill 800) is offered to begin May 20, 2024 to complete its work by July 15, 2024.
The current legislative day in the House of Representatives at this very hour is discussing use of pronouns in public schools via HB121.
The speed of delivery in these now three current legislative sessions is fully dependent on the super-majority republican control of the State of Louisiana. 
We the people are governed by elected officials, in office by less than 36% of the voting population.  And, some say that all of this is the voters fault, specifically Democrat voters. 
In fact though, a certain many democrats were demoralized apathetically after the continuing unresolved saga of Ronald Greene. Furthermore, even a visit from the U. S. Department of Justice to Northeast Louisiana at ULM in Monroe; where LSP F Troop is based, didn't resolve the incident's occurrence. 
However, in the Governor's crime session, police and law enforcement was given immunity from civil liability, in performance of their duties. 
In addition, eighteen year old persons were given the right to "permit-less conceal-carry" in Louisiana in this crime session. (Incidently, two young men murdered each other in a gun-fight in South Monroe.)
 Peculiarly, not one bill in the crime session addressed "excessive force" causing death by the Louisiana State Police or any other law official. The February crime session did re-institute the death penalty by any means available; electrocution, gas or intravenous drug administration. 
In the redistricting session in January, the GOP super-majority governor approved map is challenged by a Northeast Louisiana group, filed in the Western District of Louisiana in which a ruling is expected in the coming days or weeks. It should be noted, that witnesses testified in court, the governor wanted the current congressman of the sixth district gone. 
In addition to all else, the governor is seeking to obtain control of the appointing of the majority of state's boards and commissions; including higher education boards, ethics board and already the Indigent Defender Board, through legislation. 


 Senate Bill 497 – State ethics board appointments
"This bill from Sen. Blake Miguez, R-New Iberia, would allow the governor, the Louisiana House and the state Senate to pick whoever they want to serve on the 11-member state ethics board. Under current law, they have to select members from lists of nominees the presidents of Louisiana’s private universities and colleges compile.

 Governor would gain more control over state government if these five bills pass (Louisiana Illuminator)

The governor appoints seven ethics board members, and the House and Senate elect two each. 

Whether the governor has control over the ethics board is pertinent, because it has accused Landry of violating state ethics laws twice.

Last fall, the board voted to penalize Landry for not disclosing that he used a campaign donor’s private plane to go to a work conference in Hawaii as Louisiana’s attorney general. The case remains unresolved as Landry and the ethics board continue to discuss what fines he might pay.
In 2022, the ethics board concluded Landry violated the law by using campaign funds to reimburse himself for a Chevy Suburban he bought, according to The Advocate. Candidates are not supposed to use their campaign money to purchase immovable property or vehicles. In that case, the ethics board chose not to fine Landry and initially kept the matter confidential."

Louisiana’s governor would gain more control over state government under these six bills

That is the bottom line: CONTROL


It should be evident, where all this is headed.

Monday, January 18, 2021

A Very Sincere Change of Affairs & Dealings in every phase of Societal Interactions When #nCoViD19 finishes

Don't Call It "criminal justice" it is

the Criminal Injustice System 

Finally, it is our belief, that the only remedy for these abhorrent conditions is to release the self-interest and pre-eminent self gain of all parties concerned. 
Specifically the powers, who are in control and are in fear for no reason must come to the realization, the humanity is all we have.
The justice we need is foundationally manifest in the power of God. 
Without the intervention of justice in its finality, all are doomed.  

Every creed, every color, every aspect of society as we know it must be included for a remedy to manifest.
Already, too many have died, too many have suffered.  Too many families are emotionally, mentally and physically disabled because of society’s traumatic dance with death, mayhem and community violence.

It is our opinion, that families will heal, some to lesser and others to a greater degree, once the “newly reconciled society” has restored itself to its God given station in life.
Hatred, gone.  "Togethered" bound.  Life, Liberty, the pursuit of happiness – entirely.  Justice, equity and mercy, for all.

Morehouse Parish's 4th Judicial District adjudicated Lee Alexander George of crime(s), assessing 10 (ten) years for an incident in which public employees fabricated some of the legalized testimony of the plaintiff in the court proceedings.

Not only that, while incarcerated in Morehouse Parish facilities, it became evident the powers-at-be, would fulfill a recompense against the convicted criminal.

Persons connected to the main-affiant, who testified the facts he swore to were the truth; specifically targeted George at the direction of the "system".  It is now evident, the system, the selfsame system is continuing it's opppresive attacks in the convicts incarceration in Catahoula Parish's infamous correctional facility, known as the "Hill" in that George was viciously attacked requiring staples in his head.


The most safest place a convicted person should be, is in custody. 

Position Paper and Policy Statement in reference to In-Custody-Deaths of individuals within the jurisdiction of Law Enforcement, the penal/correctional systems and the judiciary.  
Our position and policy is that in custody deaths must end.  And, that no person should die while in custody of any form of government arrest, detention, control or “holding for questioning”; period. 

In-Custody-Deaths, must end.  No person(s) should die in custody of any form of government arrest, detention, control or “holdings for questioning”; period.  
Herein it is declared that “in-custody-deaths” are a human rights issue.
The killings of Americans, in “incarceration-centers” or in police custody, is a violation of human decency. 
Investigative outcomes must responsibly produce clear facts, in the lives of the murdered and killed, especially those who are increasingly, “Dead in Custody”.
The reason(s) for all this societal mayhem involving guns and violence, is a “retaliative, reactionary mentality; invoked in to the land from “the wars of the middle-east, the lands of antiquity”. 

Concerning, in-custody injury, illness & Death it is come to our attention once again, of the never changing and unchanging of the Louisiana Administration of Justice is antiquated and in the most desperate need of adjustment in it's penal institutions.

Severe discrepancies exist.

An individual entering an institution is very likely to lose his life.

Citizens should cease using the term criminal justice system on every level.

What was done is done. What is being done has no undoing.  Attempting to continue with the same-old mechinations is futile.  Juxtaposed disingenous operations will not render any positive, lasting outcomes of persistent value. 

From the Governor to the Congressional Delegation, the Louisiana Secretary of State and the La. AG; the Senate President & the House Speaker shall not abridge the rights of the citizens.  

the meat of this essay was penned August 2020 - LeSieur

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Educable Education in dire Need

In the first place a student in Jonesville, Louisiana in Catahoula Parish. 
 Where a student Shir'cold Bowman considers her education, not sufficient enough to enter higher education. In the first place the demoralization of a person's mentality, is secondary to enslavement.
Then this other process in another of Louisiana's far northeast parish of Morehouse in Bastrop, Louisiana a not so dissimilar systemic process is in play against the minds of  pre-elementary and other similar elementary students.    Some are calling it an absolute shame yet it is much more than that.  It is criminal.
It is criminal when a School Board's policies allow's such deprivation of students' rights to an education.  In the Morehouse Magnet School incident, a student brought a pistol to school, other students saw it, as the white-male student, had already threatened to use the weapon. In a prior, unrelated incident two days earlier at Morehouse Magnet a black female student, was picked up by parents after an apparent "attempt" to hang herself, because "she didn't like her life.  In both instances, Parents were not notified.

In the Block High School, of Jonesville ongoing situation, students systemic deprivation has systematically oppressed the very children, their supposed to elevate. Is it a violation of the elected duty to provide honest services.
The Superintendent of the Catahoula School System is resigned effective February 15, 2019.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hi Louisiana::Injustice's Devolvement in to Chaos

When injustice ensues and continues to the level of utter undisclosed misery, experienced by those unaware of what the truth really isn't, we have what we have now! 

Impending doom, waiting on the next tragically horrific Event.

Whether it is the President covering-up another questionable act, or even the media going on-and-on about it, to no avail; or the U. S. Senator from Louisiana, who bears the name of the assassinated president, who's blindness is evident, echoing the other day the sentiments of newly minted 'republican talking points' as the CBC Chairman retorted; "words have consequences", as stated by the Congressman from New Orleans U. S. House Rep. Cedric Richmond referencing recent events on a baseball practice field in the Nation's Capitol  in the defense of deafening attacks against the poor, the least powerful, the powerless and the marginalized: we all know, the end is near.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR, the Soviets, the Russians have been strategically invited into the AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC by a capitalist.

The thing I learned the most about the 'soviet' communist is that, they fat themselves at the expense of their subjects. I read it for myself, no man taught me.  Leninism, Marxism and Communism control of all property in its government's hands is always led by one supreme authority.  Whoever does not fall in line is eliminated.

The current United States Attorney General is in line to be Eliminated. 

The congress has bowed. The Supreme Court is preparing to bow.

The objective is to distract the masses so long as to completely seize control.  So the narrative to distract has turned its attention on New Orleans, of which a 'republican bone' is to be picked in light of the impoverishes plight evidenced during Katrina.  The bottom line evolves from the inability to obtain equal justice. 

When people are denied justice, and equity of the law they begin to take matters, first into their own hands. As, the government and/or its representatives, devolve into patterns of corruptness, the people lose all hope.

So, the old and weak, the infirm and sick won't have hospitalization and patients will be turned out of nursing homes; because Medicaid will be discontinued.  The rich in turn will become richer! 

On the backs, hopes and dreams of the lest fortunate, the Capitalist will make their profit. And so, in New Orleans, it must be made the example of what's wrong in "murderous America"!! 

Yet, in the recesses of a black congressman from New Orleans brain; "the drums of 'Congo Square' drum loud and clear."

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Assuming All Things Were Equal We'd Think & then Act

Are we awake yet? Nothing is Equal About America.


For all  of the hullabaloo about Restrooms, insanity has ensued.  

I just do not recall such discord about lynching, which is still going on today, in America; during the putrid hatred of colored people, negroes and blacks. 

In the forties and fifties, twenties and thirties, sixties and beyond, there was no concerted stand against the evil perpetrated against blacks. But Now in 2016 Republican dixiecrats want to pretend morality. 

Not that I am in favor of a "grown" transexual man being in the restroom with my six year old granddaughter, or my three year old grandson. 

Hell, I don't use the bathroom with my granddaughter in there. 

When the Dixiecrats became Republican Conservatives, in the aftermath of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act; and finally forced desegregation as a rule of law, established in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education; which incidently overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; the Louisiana root of legalized segregation, the America, that never was bloomed. 

Louisiana yet, wants and needs an underclass; as does America. In the constant creation of new laws legislatively, to further criminalize the poor, you further alienate less fortunate citizens.  Furthermore, the equating of the evil, slaves went through and the subsequent civil rights, after many deaths; with current gender trends is stunningly out of sync with reality.

However, this current trend leaves no choices left, to reasonable minds.  I do not believe America will come out of the current morass capable of governing the masses.  The chaos of the current presidential cycle will further devolve in to more uncertainty worldwide. For the Liar, who says, he wants to make america great again. What america, I never knew, is he talking about?  The America, that had sidewalks inscribed in white letters - colored only - That I Walked On.  

The America, that on my way to my after-school job, a little white boy, with his white Moma, said (the little boy) look mommy, a nigger!?

To which, the little white boy's White Moma said to me, I'm sorry and scolded the child; to which I responded; No mam, get on him for what?  Too which she said, Nigger; you better get on 'bout your business? That America?  

Or Maybe He is talking about, the America, where two white men beat the death into two black men, on the corner, up the street, from the house I was raised in, in Louisiana? That America? Great Again?

Or Maybe "He" and "They"; talking about the America, that desegregated Neville High School on Forsythe; whose City System employee's black daughter was already there, when the white kids blocked the door, and she stood looking amazed, and made eye contact with me and my brother-(of which brother who helped integrate Wossman)-and knew peace was gone?

That America? Great Again?

And America. And mostly southern states are suing in Court? About "Outhouse" Crappers? Of which, holes are full of crap, excrement and other non-productive human waste?

Well, that's what you get America: you have been very mean, evil and wickedly mistreated  black slaves and their descendants.  And now, "Outhouse Crappers" are become a public spectacle on your courthouse steps.

Good Night America! You long overdue! The Nightmare is your Reality.  The Suit over Transgender Bathrooms,  

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

In Custody Deaths::When Incarceration ends in Death!No Age Limit!!

The latest "in-custody death" in N. E., Louisiana has occurred in Ouachita Parish, at the Richwood Correctional facility. The, most recent vivid memory is the "in-custody death" of a teen-ager at Green Oaks Detention.  Sixteen years of age. Several different stories "emerged", in this instance. In the latest incident, this man was Fifty-eight (58) years of age.  The teen-ager at Green Oaks was Sixteen(16) years of age.

All parties are querying why this has happened.  In another incident at Richwood Correctional, an individual died in custody; all questions were directed to the Sheriff's Office. Nothing, was ever released publicly in the press, about who this person was, how he died!!

In Morehouse Parish a young-person "died-in-custody". It is a mere question of  how is it that people in general can die in-custody, on such a regular basis. It was stated the youngster was badly beaten and bruised. There is no conclusive outcome to this event by investigative authorities.

When you couple these occurences of two-individuals shot to death in a bail bond office in South-Monroe, not far from the "Public Safety" Complex; something is severely wrong. To my expansive knowledge, there is no conclusive outcome to who killed (murdered) the two persons.

It would appear a problem exists within the "law-enforcement investigative" capacity and the "penal/detention in-custody secured life expectancy" of an inmate.  It is our opinion, that a person's life expectancy, should be secure when "in-custody" of Law Enforcement and Penal/Detention/Prison systems. Period!!

It is imperative, that these types of incidents cease from our existence. Whatever intervention needed should be done, to end this problem.  It May Require a Complaint, with the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice

If, these incidents are evidence of Public Corruption should this not be looked in to by the appropriate officials. 

It is our prayer and hope, that an equitable solution, will be afforded the people of this area. 
 In Custody Deaths Must End. Investigative outcomes must responsibly produce clear facts, in the lives of the murdered [Bail-bond homicide]; and those who are increasingly "Dead-In-Custody".

Further issue-advocacy contact: Louisiana State Wide Civil Rights Conference & Forum 

                  However, our efforts will have statewide & national impact.


Friday, December 12, 2014


The Battle in America began in Louisiana. In 1896 a Louisiana case was settled in the United States Supreme Court that instituted the doctrine of "seperate but equal"; the basis of the racism that exists in America today. The case, Plessy v. Ferguson began in New Orleans, Louisiana. All the modern brutality dispensed at the hands of police are rooted in this travesty of justice. What began at the Mouth of the Mississippi, the Commerce Port of America, has enveloped the whole Nation. 

As ships of commerce, steam their way up river, the hatred seated in the nation's racism "legalized" birthplace; has passed its self off to all parts north. And so, St. Louis, Missouri on the River, received its dose and was well ready for it. It was Homer Plessy in New Orleans and Dred Scott in Missouri.

             Ferguson, Missouri a flashpoint & tipping point

The excluding & systemic isolationism in housing & employment

It is a strange thing. The last time, such extreme manifestation of racism; was evidenced, was in the Crescent City in 2005's Katrina.  The neglect of abject poverty and discrimination against the same was evidenced in its desperation. The same desperation exhibited in St. Louis' Ferguson. The death of  Eric Garner and then, Michael Brown sealed the fate of the "uprising" which the Nation is experiencing now.
The exacerbation of the young people's fervor will not desist. And then, Akai Gurley in N.Y., NY.;  in between it all Victor White,III in Louisiana and Vonderit Myers in St. Louis. A seed of subhuman death-kills, kill shots and emptied chambers of death-mongering fear.

     The thought of pervasive demoralization of an entire race
Denise Stewart's -[a New York Woman-affected by NYPD]-lawyer, Amy Rameau, said she was told by a Legal Aid attorney also assigned to the case that the 911 call came from a different apartment on an upper floor — and cops went to Stewart’s door by mistake. The racism that exists now, and its discriminatory practices -causes the maltreatment of blacks by law enforcement. And others, who feel they have the right to execute what is deemed by society as subhuman.
What must happen now is, the society at large, must accept its inadequacies and, move on. It is the same with Ferguson, Staten Island and now Cleveland's 12 year-old Tamir Rice.

      The alliance of death must stop, and stop now; forever

We must provide for all of law enforcement, be psychoanalyzed as to their "slavery-plantation induced fear of the black-male species".

When Senator Mary Landrieu gave her speech upon leaving the Congress, it finalized my thoughts of the impact of Louisiana on the current state of affairs in America. The Republicans dominate, Louisiana and the Congress. Their agenda is "old-south", as is their rhetoric! The basic instinct is the abeyance of the impact of the first American President with an African heritage. The State of Louisiana is now a part of a suit against the Obama Administration. This is the second such suit.

The Country is nearly in a state of anarchist upheaval. International terrorist, are threatening attack. The CIA has been implicated in torture tactics and renditions, amid other scandals; leaves now, only to await the impending attack from "outside forces" on Our Land. I often think of Port Fouchon, and its strategic place, on the map and in the American economy. This Democratic Republic, must "Do The Right Thing".
The Eyes of Disbelief

We Must Get Pass the, prevalent insanity of disbelief fueling the police state environment against Our on laws and citizens. The disbelief of the facts of racism's prolonged existence in the American Democracy has finally come to the realization of the masses. However, it is the thought process, bringing on the treatment of Black-males in particular and Blacks in general as subhuman, that is at the root of present circumstances.

And it is the vestiges of Plessy v. Ferguson that incites the stand-offs in Missouri.

Monday, December 30, 2013


The varying degrees of strangeness has taken holt! This "Time Warped" state of american-souther confluity may very well be the undoing of the entire nation. If indeed, there ever was a nation. This flowing together of completely different absolutes, is the type of rhetorical menage which led to the war between the states.  Which in most instances, never ended.

This, that allows absolute fooltrickery of words to make believe that all is well, when it is not is likened to the days of "Jackie Gleason & the Moonlighters"; Gleason's character kept talking about one of these days, he was gonna give in to her right in the kisser.  Never saw him do it, but he kept saying it. 

We have been equating apples & oranges. Both are fruit, but totally different. Both have seeds. But totally different. I must recall 1960's Louisiana.

Wasn't no folk in no cotton fields, full of jocularity and singing along the cotton rows as if all was well. Folk was sick and tired of the status-quo; and protesting,and raising hell, like there was not a tommorrow. And for some there wasn't.  The ruling class however, had such a tight reign on affairs, that folk had sense enough to keep they're mouths shut. Do there business, and arrange clandestine mass meetings.

Those folk, knew who was who, and were prepared to die at a given notice or were ready to "scratch a match" if pushed to far. No such tomfoolery existed.

But for, an individual or a group to state publicly the views that place two completely groups in the same spit tomb is absurd.

But America asked for it. And America, now must live with it and its outcomes.  The slickness of the rhetoric, for which no one can decry without distinquishing between the two, has in effect silenced all detractors.  A majority of the dectractors, have already stated their convictions of equanimity.

The statements were calculated.  It was known, that such could be said without any formal authoritative answer.

However, this american-souther mentality shall arise in 2016 amongst the candidates for office.  We, the people will be duped into believing the lies perpetrated.